It’s official and updates automatically! Just search for ‘LibreOffice’ in Ubuntu Software and install the one from ‘snapcraft.io’: Snap is the easiest way to install the office suite in Ubuntu. Then add executable permission, and right-click to run it: Just grab the “Fresh” version from the link button above. Without installing the software package, the Appimage is an universal Linux package format that can be run directly to launch the office suite. There are a few ways to get the packages installed in Ubuntu, though the official PPA is highly recommended (see method 3)! Method 1: LibreOffice Appimage
How to Install LibreOffice 7.2 in Ubuntu:
PDF signature verification is now based on PDFium.Removed Alizarin, Bright Blue, Classy Red, Impress, Lush Green.Added Candy, Freshes, Grey Elegant, Growing Liberty, Yellow Idea templates.Implemented the Kahan summation algorithm.Added traditional Japanese month names, Japanese era name.

Reduced opening time for some DOCX file.Improved font caching to speed up text rendering.Added label and business card paper: A-One, Hisago, Sanwa Supply, Daiso.Show various indexes and the mouse-over tooltip for a hyperlink to a document index entry mark.Other changes in LibreOffice 7.2 include: And the templates dialog got a list view, the global toolbar lock can now switched off via “View -> Toolbars”.įor Libreoffice Writer, Impress & Draw, all background fills can now be set to either cover the page inside the margins or the entire page. Also, it added new scrollable style picker in Notebookbar, fontwork panel in sidebar.

The release introduced a Dark color scheme, so the app window can be set to fully dark for working at night. By going to “Help -> Search Commands” or pressing Shift+Esc on keyboard, it brings up the command box allows to search for and execute actions. LibreOffice 7.2 was released as the latest major release with new command popup HUD (“Heads-up display”). It’s made up of a Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math, and database management tools, and supports the file formats of MicroSoft Office. LibreOffice is the default office suite available in Ubuntu as well as many other Linux Distributions out-of-the-box. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 21.04, and Ubuntu 21.10. The LibreOffice office suite 7.2 was released with many new features and improvements.